

UDC 691.618.93 : 693.5

[:en]Daviduk A. N.[:ru]Давидюк А. Н.[:] [:en]Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored and Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation, Scientific Director of JSC \"KTB ZHB\", Moscow, Russia[:ru]д.т.н., заслуженный и почетный строитель РФ, научный руководитель АО «КТБ ЖБ», Москва, Россия[:]

[:en]Davidyk А. A.[:ru]Давидюк А. А.[:] [:en]Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent of MGSU, General Director of JSC \"KTB ZhB\", Moscow, Russia[:ru]к.т.н., доцент НИУ МГСУ, генеральный директор АО «КТБ ЖБ», Москва, Россия[:]

[:en]Truntov P. S.[:ru]Трунтов П. С.[:] [:en]Postgraduate Student of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education \"National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering\", Russia, Moscow[:ru]аспирант ФГБУ ВО «НИУ МГСУ», Россия, Москва[:]

Alitinform №3 (72) 2023 г. 14–23 p.


Technological and constructive researches in the field of especially lightweight structural and heat-insulating concretes based on foam glass gravel (FGG), carried out recently by a number of authors and organizations, open wide opportunities for their application in building envelopes and modular construction. Herewith, the known polyfunctionality of building envelopes properties, strict requirements for deformation, strength and thermophysical parameters predetermine natural contradictions in the choice of materials for the modular structures construction. The article reviews the current situation in the field of modular construction, as well as the possibilities of using especially lightweight concrete with density not more than 600 kg/m3 based on FGG for the production of single-­layer structures with increased heat-protective characteristics. The existing studies have been analyzed, and they indicate the possibility of using lightweight concrete based on FGG for the manufacture of modular structures and their use as load-bearing elements in modular buildings up to five storeys high. The authors presented the results of designing a modular building made in the software system “LIRA-SAPR”, as well as proposed solutions for the arrangement of modular structures. As a result of the conducted research, general conclusions are made about the prospect of using the studied lightweight concrete as the main material for the construction of buildings according to the new modular technology

Key words:

modular construction, especially lightweight concrete, foam glass gravel, glass-like aggregates, ultralight concrete

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