

UDC 691.618.93

[:en]Daviduk A. N.[:ru]Давидюк А. Н.[:] [:en]Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored and Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation, Scientific Director of JSC \"KTB ZHB\", Moscow, Russia[:ru]д.т.н., заслуженный и почетный строитель РФ, научный руководитель АО «КТБ ЖБ», Москва, Россия[:]

[:en]Davidyk А. A.[:ru]Давидюк А. А.[:] [:en]Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent of MGSU, General Director of JSC \"KTB ZhB\", Moscow, Russia[:ru]к.т.н., доцент НИУ МГСУ, генеральный директор АО «КТБ ЖБ», Москва, Россия[:]

[:en]Truntov P. S.[:ru]Трунтов П. С.[:] [:en]Postgraduate Student of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education \"National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering\", Russia, Moscow[:ru]аспирант ФГБУ ВО «НИУ МГСУ», Россия, Москва[:]

[:en]Chernov S. A.[:ru]Чернов С. А.[:] [:en]Chief Technologist, “TIGI KTB” LLC, Russia, Moscow[:ru]главный технолог ООО «ТИГИ КТБ», Россия, Москва[:]

[:en]Bogurov D. N.[:ru]Богуров Д. Н.[:] [:en]Specialist of the Department of Innovative Technologies of the Scientific Research Institute of KTB NiiZhB LLC, Postgraduate Student of the Research and Development Centre “Stroitelstvo” JSC, Russia[:ru]специалист отдела инновационных технологий ООО «КТБ НИИЖБ», аспирант АО «НИЦ «Строительство», Россия[:]

Alitinform №3 (72) 2023 г. 30–35 p.


The depleting deposits of sloughing clays lead to the need to find a new source of raw materials. Widely spread silica-containing rocks serve as a source of raw materials for the production of lightweight porous aggregates. This material becomes an alternative to lightweight expanded clay. At the same time, it is not inferior and sometimes has advantages in operation due to its low density. Due to its characteristics, foam glass gravel can be the main component in the production of lightweight insulating concrete.

Key words:

foam glass gravel, especially lightweight concrete, glass-like aggregates, ultralight concrete

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