

UDC 666.9

[:en]Grevtsov О. V.[:ru]Гревцов О. В.[:] [:en]Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Consumer Goods, Construction and Agricultural Industry of FSAI EIPC, Head of the secretariat of TRG 6 \"Cement Production\", Moscow, Russia[:ru]канд. мед. наук, начальник отдела легкой, строительной и сельскохозяйственной промышленности ФГАУ «НИИ ЦЭПП», руководитель секретариата ТРГ 6 «Производство цемента», г. Москва, Россия[:]

[:en]Golub О. V.[:ru]Голуб О. В.[:] [:en]Head of the Department of Resource Conservation Methodology of FSAI EIPC, Moscow, Russia[:ru]начальник отдела методологии ресурсосбережения ФГАУ «НИИ «ЦЭПП», г. Москва, Россия[:]

[:en]Frundina Е. А.[:ru]Фрундина Е. А.[:] [:en]Senior Engineer of the Department of Consumer Goods, Construction and Agricultural Industry of FSAI EIPC, Moscow, Russia[:ru]старший инженер отдела легкой, строительной и сельскохозяйственной промышленности ФГАУ «НИИ ЦЭПП», г. Москва, Россия[:]

Alitinform №1 (66) 2022 г. 14-20 p.


Since the 2000s, the Russian Federation has been carrying out consistent and systematic activities aimed at achieving a level of economic and social development corresponding to the status of Russia as the leading world power of the XXI century, occupying leading positions in global economic competition and reliably ensuring national security and the realization of constitutional rights of citizens. A number of the most modern system-forming strategic planning documents are focused on the creation and provision of competitive industries; the introduction of modern innovative technologies; improvement and modernization of vocational education mechanisms, including through the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible educational programs; labor productivity growth and attracting investments both in priority and highly specialized economies of the industry; stimulating the rational and efficient use of material, financial and natural resources, creating conditions for the implementation of favorable life activities of citizens [1, 2].
The introduction in 2014 of the best available technologies (BAT) concept became one of the crucial steps of law enforcement policy in the fields of industry, environmental protection and environmental management, energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement for the implementation of national development goals of the state [3].
In the coming years, more than 7,500 Category I enterprises in Russia having a negative impact on the environment [4], related to the areas of application of BAT [5], should make the transition to BAT-based rationing with obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit (CER) — a document containing mandatory requirements in the field of environmental protection [3, 6]. The crucial element of the application for obtaining a CER is information about technologies whose environmental impact indicators at the production facility do not exceed the established technological indicators of BAT, determined in the process of developing information and technical guidebooks on BAT [7].

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