UDC 691.542
[:ru]Бикбау М. Я.[:en]Bikbau M. Ya[:] [:ru]акад. РАЕН, д. х. н., генеральный директор ОАО «Московский институт материаловедения и эффективных технологий»[:en]Doct. Chemic. Sci., academic of RAEN, general director of Moscow institute of material science and effective technologies[:]
[:ru]Нефедов А. С.[:en]Nefedov А. S.[:] [:ru]инженер ОАО «МОСКОВСКИЙ ИМЭТ», Россия[:en]engineer of OJSC “Moscow Institute of Materials Science and Effective Technologies”[:]
Alitinform №3 (60) 2020 г. 2-13 p.
This article presents the results of many years of research on nanomodified Portland cement (nanocement) and its application in the production of various types of concretes. Nanomodification of Portland cement is protected in the Russian Federation by the Discovery “Phenomenon of nanocapsulation of dispersed systems”, and by international patents of the Russian Federation, Europe, Japan, USA, Eurasia, national preliminary standards of the Russian Federation 19-2014 and the Republic of Kazakhstan 83-2018 “Portland cement nanomodified”. It is a promising direction for the development of cements and concretes; it provides new opportunities for further improvement of production technologies and construction and technical properties of the most important building materials.
Taking into account that cement and concrete are the main building materials of our time, the new technology for nanomodifying Portland cement can be effectively mastered by Russian enterprises so as to provide concrete production with quality cements in order to double volume of construction in line with the recent Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 of May 7, 2018 “On national goals and strategic tasks of development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024”. Implementation of the nanocements technology, which does not require capital investment, as well as concretes on their basis, is recommended for radical reduction of specific fuel spending and CO2 emissions by the Russian cement industry in the “Strategy of development of the Industry of building materials for the period to 2020 and further perspective up to 2030”, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 868-r of May 10, 2016.
Key words:
nano-modified Portland cement, concretes based on nano-modified Portland cement
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