[:ru]Войлоков И. А.[:en]Voilokov I. A.[:] [:ru]доцент кафедры ТОЭС СПбГПУ[:en]assistant professor of the Department for Technology, Organisation and Economy of Construction of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University[:]
Alitinform №2 (09) 2009 г. 44-53 p.
New requirements for durability of concrete, a traditional concrete construction material, force the experts to develop new types of reinforcing. Lately, disperse reinforcing with fibres has been applied wider than before. Various materials, such as metal, basalt, polypropylene, glass are used for manufacturing the fibres.
In the whole world, development of disperse reinforcing as an alternative of bar frame reinforcing was gradual. At the beginning, it was considered as a supplement to traditional reinforcing. In our country, research works relating to manufacture of disperse–reinforced commercial concrete and mortars containing fibres are strongly associated with the name of the Russian engineer V.P. Nekrasov.
At the beginning of 20th century, he carried out an investigation relating to the use of disperse reinforcing, with cuts of wires with small diameter used as fibrous reinforcement. Nekrasov described results of these investigations in detail at his works. At that time, the first patent for constructions made of fibre–reinforced concrete was issued.
Further development of disperse reinforcing continued in the Soviet Union in the middle of the last century. This demonstrates the interest of our experts in improving the properties of such traditional construction material as concrete. A burst of activity and further investigation of possibilities in this field promoted appearance of new articles and patents.
A problem of quality and new properties of concrete was of interest not only for Soviet researchers. To support scientific researches of mid–1970s (as it was accepted at that time) the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a Decree «On some measures to increase a technical level of production of reinforced concrete structures and their more effective use in construction industry».
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